Monday, November 30, 2009

Material Science

Haha. Yes I've Material Science Exam tomorrow.
No, Im not here to complain about it.

Nope, haven't finish studying. Only studied 2 chapters yesterday. YES. I know, amazing right. Out of... God knows how many chapters. Haha, dont worry la, i had short notes written on previous chapter. I just hafta flip thru em and do past year papers. Afterthat, it's all left to fate to decide whether i can solve the questions during the exam.

Anyways, that's not my main point. My main point is, I was watching this concluding lecture by professor Boey which i missed. WELL, i pretty much missed 80% of materials science lecture =P YES, i've been skipping. Cos there's lecture recording on the website and well, most of the time in lecture, i'd fall asleep. Besides, watching lecture recording allows me to study at my own pace. I can rewind and rewind and rewind again until i get what he's trying to say.

SOOO, i was saying, concluding lecture by professor boey. IM SO GLAD they put the video in as well. He's hilarious and darn, he managed to trigger my interest for material science alright. =D

LET ME TELL YOU THIS, material science was one of the subject i hated most when i first came into uni. Cos it's relatively new to me and i came in late and missed out the first few lectures. I just felt left behind and I started hated it. AND YES, i've done NONE of the tutorials. Not a thing to be proud of, but yeah.

The thing is, when we were taught about sth, we were given the mindset of, "WE'RE STUDYING THIS FOR EXAM. WE'RE STUDYING THIS SO THAT WE CAN GRADUATE. "
Or at least we were driven by that thought all these while.


How come they've never told us, and relate all these to what's surrounding us?
It's just like, we learn calculus for the sake of learning it and passing exams. But nobody told us why we learn calculus. What are the applications and amazing things it does.

If only people start studying for the NOT for the sake of scoring for exams, instead, look at it more like, understanding what's going on and graduate with TRUE knowledge instead of scores. WHAT does scores prove?
Why are people so adamant about perfect CGPAs and all?
At the end of the day, what's left?

I mean, if u know what you are studying (I prefer to name it "learning" rather than "studying" though), it comes to you naturally.

At the end of the day, if you know what you learn, i think that beats perfect CGPAs who studied for the sake of exams.

To come to think of it, maybe those who score well at the end of the day, are those who weren't adamant abt their scores in between.
They believe in what they're learning and they only had to prove to themselves they are right.
Not to anyone else.

cos everyone is so kiasu. learning lose its meaning.

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