Tuesday, October 13, 2009

feeling it more and more

I have decided not to go msn for at least a week. *cross fingers*
yeah, im feeling it. More and more work to catch up with.
the pressure.

I need to breathe. Therefore, I need to catch up with all those work.
I wish there's someone that can explain all the detail or teach me in a way that i'll understand for all the subjects at anytime at all.

GOSH, i wana complain! U know what, it's so annoying when u've hafta strain ur ears and exert all the force squeezing ur brain trying to interpret what the professors from some foreign country with weird heavy slang of english!!!!!!!!
The thing is, i don't even understand your english, how am i suppose to understand the content of what u're trying to convey!!!!!!!!
It's so freaking annoying!!!!!
I can't hear what u're trying to say, hence I dont get the main idea of the lecture or theory or whatever, hence I don't know what to write!

Im not saying that the lecturers or tutors or professors arent good, in fact, they know their subject and content well or anything, it's just the language barrier u see!!
It's not like their english aint good either, it's JUST they speak with such a weird slang which i find it so hard to catch!!!!

I get neck ache whenever i tried my very best to listen to what they're saying because i'd try to stretch my neck and ears as close as possible to them BUT IT DOESNT HELP. Obviously right....

AND yea, so just now during the lab session, my mind was wandering away for a moment.... how i wish our brain works like computer, where knowledge are like files which are transferable or at least automatically translated into language we understand! OR at least process the words he is trying to say!!!

Then, i started visualising the type of study room i wana have. Muahaha. It's all in my imagination. But im goina make it real one day. =P

AAAAaaaa.... okay, im not goina come online often anymore. I hope u guys read this.
sigh sigh sigh. Im so darn freaking slack. I wasted too much of my time.

Alright alright. Time for econs. Im actually in the library...blogging @.@
Toodoos people.
Love ya all....
Reach me via e-mail or sms if u really need me.

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