Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bad shoe day

Haha, haihz, had another bad shoe day.
(Okay... laughing then sighing is so contradicting "haha, haihz"? lol)

I feel a lil drained. I slept till almost 8pm since i reached home. And i was feeling ultimately blur when i woke up. Then reluctantly showered and watched another episode of drama. Some hilariously foolish drama. But i like the actor =P woot~

And so, i have 2 blisters on each foot which makes a total of 4.
(Yeah, just in case u forgot how to count)
Woke up looking like a panda, my eyes looked horrible.

Day was overall fine. Just the blisters, fatigue, the feeling of mismatch-ness.. Hmmm. Cos of that stupid shoe la. N also... acquaintance. Yeah.
Guess the world just has too many people of different characters and... Urgh. I dont know what i wana say. I just didnt like that. It just kills my passion.

Are people here all like that? Why?

SIGH. Im sure there'll be minority. My task is turn the minority to majority. Hmmm. How can I do that? Is it even possible?
I honestly doubt my abilities. But, i guess i'll do what i can do then we'd see if we can go on further.

"To demonstrate lofty disdain does not make oneself more superior or smarter but instead contemns himself in return."-Jinni

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