Thursday, February 21, 2013

You should be proud of yourself Jinnigan!!

HAHA, no doubt it's one epic embarrassing moment. But hey, you didn't run or hide or think about not going back there anymore. That's really sth to be proud of, don't ya think?

A friend of mine said, OMG don't go back to that class anymore!!!
Well, that really didn't occur to me at all. I mean, I didn't do anything wrong, it's just how my body works and plain human nature. Why should I feel bad about it?

I'm like, no no no no.. I'm not gonna hide or run. I'll just pretend I was a clown for a while and brighten everyone else's day! I just made a good deed! ;)

(although.. if only they know the true story :x Ahem.)

Ahhh, Jinnigan you did fineeee. Don't worry about it :D
Not at all, not at all.

(On a separate account)
Somehow, there's this great feeling in me again. I still have faith that I'm going to do something really great. LIKE KABOOM AND KABAAM! tralalalala. ;p

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