Thursday, February 28, 2013


What kind of life are you living in JINNIGAN!
Bread grew mold, tuna mayo turning sour (maybe not yet?)..
(Took out those pieces w/o mold and finished up the tuna mayo spread :/ )

Mind is so occupied, one mistakes leads to another.

Only when I listed the never-ending to-do-list that I realized I had SO MUCH in mind.
It's no wonder you're constantly thinking of what to do next!
It's no wonder you ended up so tired at night, trying to recall what have you done today that made you feel so tired.

Have I been too optimistic about too many things that god started to think it's time to throw some challenges to me? Lol. Sighs. Just more things to fix. Gotta break this chain.

I need to start tidying up things! Tidy up myself! A change is needed jinnigan, change is what you need.

*yawns* so tired...

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