Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bad day?

I had a rough day.

But I'm not complaining.
Actually..Why not!?

Okay..Are you ready..?

what do u all know about what i am going through
so why are u telling me what to do!
what makes u think im obligated to do
and it's not like i dont do anything at all
damn u m@#$%^f#$%^&

dont u put ur freaking words on me!
ONE DAY! one day im goina m$%^&f$%^&* blast it all out!

Phew~ okay. better. A LIL. hahaha! XD

okay.. first of all, i felt like a total screwed up. I felt useless.
2nd of all.. Picture below tells u everything..

Haha, I doubt u can see the words, but it says "bruises" and "peel off".

3rd of all, thank you very much for reminding about how I am not good enough. Or at least will never be. T.T

Okayyyyy~ So much so for a rough day.

But im still not complaining. (Fine~ i kinda blasted a lil on top. but i didnt complain...! Did i?)

Lookin' on the bright side:

first of all, i feel the desperate drive to study and work harder. (*cross fingers*)

2nd of all..Im getting organized XP well, at least i cleared up quite some stuff. finally, a nicer and neater table in my room :)

3rd of all..My cough's getting a lot better! Yay! XD

4th of all.......Im off to study now! Woot~

Haha, but I'm getting tired again..Thyroid i guess?

The emotional rides and constant tiredness. =( "Go away!!"

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