Thursday, April 12, 2012

Relationship? Huh, what's that?

Honestly, I am way pass that stage of "I-feel-so-painful-without-you".

Passed the stage of "Back-to-strangers", all those squinching heartaches.

But still trying to get rid of the awkward stage of "We-are-not-lovers-BUT-YET-we-are-more-than-just-friends-and-it-will-be-so-forever" completely.

I do not wonder why or what happened anymore, so there's no regrets in this so to speak.
In fact, I learn to appreciate that as part of the most beautiful memories I had in my life.
I had one of the most loving man as my bf at that point of time. So very blissful.

Memories that makes me smile and I do miss those moments.

But zooming back from past to current, I guess there's a tinge of we-all-move-on even though there's a lot of coming-back-to-each-other because of the beautiful memories we shared.
And so we are special to each other in that sense.

We had too much of wrong timing which is rather repenting but I guess that's what it's meant to be, for us to let go!

This whole 8-year-journey is 10% of the time of my freaking life! (assuming I live till 80 years old)

And truthfully, this 2nd octant of my life remains impactful thus far (for us both, I'm sure).

For one to move from the ideology of "I believe in the right one" to "I believe in not-the-right-one" (i.e. fine with anyone as long as they dont seem unfit) or maybe even worse, "I believe in neither",

doesn't that make you wonder?

These days, I try to zoom back from past to current instead of looking back from current to past.
No doubt my heart still sway from left to right a lil when I see/hear/think of you but it now sways in millimeters instead of kilometers like how it used to be.

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