Wednesday, December 14, 2011

To-do-list for 2011 and 2012

1. Compose and produce a song.
2. Write a story
3. Master at least one FULL song on the guitar.

That's what I want to do to end my 2011. *cross fingers* haha.

And for my year of 2012, I  have one and only one New Year Resolution:

2-1 = 1. FOCUS.
3-2 = 1. FOCUS.

and it goes on and on. Haha!

Yes, to focus on only one new year resolution, that is to FOCUS.

For once, I'm not so greedy! And probably will be able to remember this new year resolution till the next new years eve (hopefully there's still new year evesssss to come, since everybody's talking about how 2012 is the end of the world, ya know.)

Unlike in the past, I've LONG LOONG never-ending list of new year resolutions which i'll forget in a month and by the end of the year remembered I made a long list that I don't remember about. HAHA bullseye for YOU too, RIGHT?

Hmmm, what's your ONE new year resolution? The one that you wana nail so badly?

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