Tuesday, December 14, 2010


If you have a dream or sth that you really want to do,
if it is a question between what you want to do and what you should do,

Unless you are very sure that if you have gone for the 'what-you-should-do' and,
you wont look back and wonder, what would have happened if i tried the other path?

because if you go for what you want or what you dream for,
shall it fail, at least you know you've tried and it didnt work out for you.
Fear not about the consequences because you will always come up with back up plans.

And there are never time wasted if you go chasing for dreams.
because the success/bliss of doing what you love is worth for every time spent.
Even if you dont end up that way, for every moment spent, you earn a lesson.

Hence, go for it.

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