Sunday, January 17, 2010


Haha, happy birthday dai lou. Wanted to surprise you earlier but duno where are u now. Tried calling your phone and couldnt get through just now. I suppose u wont be reading this post before we're seeing you today, so yep, *cross fingers*

Yeah, neways, today's kiat's birthday, 20 years old. OLD. TSK TSK.
Haha, soon, it'll be me.

I dont know why but im feeling.. I dont know how to describe this. Irritatingly-emo?
Grh. I hate this feeling. Why am I feeling this way?
I dont understand either.

2nd week of Uni. Days will slowly become busier and busier?
Hmmm. Tutorials are starting. AND LAB, oh gosh, i hate lab sessions.
Then I'm goina be busy for MAE v-day event i guess? At least the planning part n the executing part. Just realise i've less tha 4 weeks to work with my team for that. =/
Then it's activities. Wootsa. Signed up for yoga and goina sign up for dance sport perhaps? SALSA babey~ :p

Yep. I feel like breaking into tears right now. Actually already had. Why ah?

Could it be cos im irritated due to all the undone works?
Could it be the weather?
Could it be not going out?
Could it be you?
Could it be thyroid?

Sighs. Sms-ing tara. And i miss her a lot too.

Just cos I'm losing my way, doesn't mean Im goina let myself continue losing my way.

I know i'll be fine in just a while.

Once again, happy birthday dai lou. Heart u as always ;) hugs

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