Early morning, take mrt to pioneer station.
Take shuttle bus from pioneer station to uni.
Walk to lecture theatre/tutorial room.
This picture should be able to illustrate how a lecture in NTU is like.
Hmmmm... about 600-700 people?
And these are some of the food in Uni:
The left picture is actually a dessert called "cotton ice" (direct translation from mandarin). It kinda look gross here cos it's kinda melted and mixed. But it's nice. AND expensive.
Tsk tsk.
Moments in Uni and outside Uni, in singapore:
(mostly with bobo and kiat)
in mrt (train)
We went to ICA for the Student Pass thingy and there was this gallery there. Interesting.
The picture below shows how those people smuggle drugs:
Hiding them in shoes(above) and textbooks(below)
Below are pics taken in the canteen with bobo's laptop webcam:Some other pics of the NTU:
The amount of staircases we had to walk everyday.. Tsk tsk, i tell u.....
Saw the aeroplane? It's a real one! So kewl huh? It's in my school! School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE). But I only passed by there when i go for lab. Cos we only have lectures and tutorials which are all not in my own school. Only had 2 lab sessions in my own school.
Another staircase. There are like 3 continuous plight of staircases here.
Me and bobo in economics lecture. I crashed bobo & kiat's econs lecture cos if i go for my own econs lecture alone, 90% of the time im sleeping.
And below are some of the pics and a video of us in canteen late night, studying and doing stupid stuff:
UH HUH! Caught jaywalking in the middle of the night!!
Of course, it's not all fun and laughters... There were really stressful moments:Listening to lecture/doing assignment on laptop
Studying at Canteen A
Nevertheless, we still have each other during the bad times.
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