Friday, January 31, 2020

Happy CNY! First year as a married woman. Lol. So far so good.
Wrote half way on the day before yesterday (初四) when I was at midvalley with him at A&W.

Had been feeling very lost and after yesterday's meeting with ADUN, I have truly shattered into pieces. Like the only reason why I held on so strongly to fixing transport issues have also been trashed.
Utterly disappointed by politics and its probably the same everywhere.

Today went to thean hou temple and prayed before sending him off to take bus back to SG. The masks were precautionary steps against coronavirus, lso commemorating this special year of rat.

I wasn't sure why I felt very tempted to 求签 and pushed to action for the very first time.

And this was what I got:

 While I know not to fully depend/trust this as I have always believe at the end of the day, 还是要靠自己, but I'll admit that it made me feel better reading it.

I seriously don't know what's gonna come and how else to lead my team now but I hope I'll figure out. With help 🙏😇

I am ready af for new adventures. 我只想对亏欠的人有个交代。