Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Well.. Guess what?

Mr Alfy decided that he can't commit and buh-bye!

My reaction was like.. wait what? w..t..f...? But yet I was calm as hell, kinda laughing and sort of anticipated this to come.

After going through so much, can't help but to feel like this is just another small hurdle, 应该是看开了吧?

But of course, I couldn't help but to worry and wake up in shock, then unable to shut my eyes to sleep.

Already I was freakin' out looking at the number of days I have left to finish up my project and prepare for my Master's final exam. Now this.

On top of the whole roller coaster of dark energy recently, trying to handle co-founder's depression AND trying to keep my sanity and not be affected.

It was a lot to take on, really. Emotionally.

But.. Guess what?

I am trained for such capacity.. And I'm should be grateful that I have co-founder who covers me, so that I can have that one day of time to study... even if it's just half-a-day.. I'm already thankful.

When was the last time I could really sit down and enjoy studying+learning in peace?

God knows...

#myinnerstruggleeveryday... #nobodyknows #nobodyunderstands