Tuesday, December 25, 2012


an amazingly attractive, gorgeous, witty young lady.

You're Jinni :)

It's their loss ;)

Friday, December 21, 2012

Things to do when you're shove into darkness

1. Talk to your friends
2. Sleep on it
3. Wake up with a long hot shower to open up your mind
4. Do stuff you've always wanted to do but 'had no time for it'

Pain, anger and sadness are like shoving yourself into a room of darkness. But no, nobody's locking yourself in it. It's self-inflicting, it's your choice-to switch on the light and walk out of the door or keep hiding in darkness.

It's easier to stay where you are but it's a brighter world out there and all you need is a lil determination to walk out of it and set yourself free. Why not? :)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

3 things I woke up to (in after-exam-morning):

1) No alarm clock
2) 10 mins of 'business' in the toilet + Stone for 20 mins
3) 10 mins of hot shower + 30 mins of Stoning in the hot shower
till my skin crumples...

Lol, these are the luxuries you don't get during exam period! ;)
Just empty your mind and wasting time.. Haha.

Thought of the day:
"I don't like to tell people what to do because everyone works differently.
I'd express my point of view and similar experiences I've gone through
just to shed some insight and feel for them.

If you ask me, how did I do it and want to learn from me; I say, Learn but do it your way.
Ways that worked for me but might not work for you.
Learn but your approach should be individualized.

Many people out there are trying to study successful icons and how they get there,
then they try to replicate hoping they'll end up the same.
What many forgotten is the reason for having 'case studies' is precisely because every case is unique.

I say, why Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Obama etc. are whom they are today because
they approached things their way and not anyone else's."

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Today's a meaningful day simply because..

1. It's Yuyu's birthday. :D
2. Tara's operation day (Just received news from Jagdish saying op went well! :D )
3. Vincent received good news from Air Asia! :D
4. It's Will-leaving-day. Lols. An end for a new beginning :)
5. It's a free soup day exclusively for me and bobo!

*breathes* ahh :) Just hang in there for 2 more days Jinni... You're almost there!
Don't give up! Keep going! Slow, steady and SANITY wins the race!